Disney Reads Day 2016

Tomorrow is Disney Reads Day!!  I just love that one of the most recognized brands in the world has a whole day dedicated to reading!  To celebrate, here are a few of my favorite books from Disney!  (I didn't include the entire Percy Jackson series--but maybe I should have... )

I'm positive you will find a new favorite from this list!  Enjoy!

Serafina and the Black Cloak
by Robert Beatty

I finished reading this one and will be posting a review soon!  LOVED it! It has a unique protagonist who you can't help but love.  Definitely worth reading.

Dead to Me
by Mary McCoy

This is a dark middle grade book that I really enjoyed...you can read my full review HERE.

Rebel McKenzie
by Candice Ransom

We read this book as part of our Bluebonnet Book Club and had a blast with it.  For my review and some discussion questions, click HERE.

The Isle of the Lost
by Melissa de la Cruz

My daughter and I enjoyed watching the movie so much, that she just had to have the book. Your middle grade reader will definitely enjoy it.

The Doll People
by Ann M. Martin

For all you Babysitter's Club fans out there, here's an old school book from Ann M. Martin. One of my friends reminded me of this little lovely not long ago.  Interesting read.

Thank you, Disney, for calling attention to literacy and the importance of sitting down and reading a good book!